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Use Your Pain

People often look at me and think I have it all together and haven’t been through anything. Believe it or not, I’m just the opposite. I don’t have it all together…in fact, I’m a loner and am a very private person. This city girl with a country heart bleeds inside, as I reminisce on some of my past experiences. My father passed away at the age of 57 and I never had a relationship with my birth mother. I was repeatedly raped at the age of 5 to the point I can’t have children of my own.  Sometimes I feel very alone, dangling on a thin rope in mid-air. Oh and yes, often times I feel like I’m a second choice instead of a first choice when asked to do something. I asked the Lord, if I’m delivered from all of my past hurts, why do these feelings reoccur. He answered me and said, “Daughter, every time you feel alone, abandon and hurt, pray for others who may feel the way you’re feeling and while you’re praying for them I will remove the feeling from you.” As an intercessor, the Lord often times use your pain as a living sacrifice so that others can be delivered.  In other words…when I come in contact with a woman who can’t have children of her own, I pray for her and the Lord looks at my bareness and open her womb while mine remain closed. I used to be very sadden by this and wonder why would God allow me to go without and bless someone else instead, until He told me my babies are in heaven and if I would allow Him to use me, the blessings waiting on me in heaven can’t be compared to blessings on earth.

Turn your misery into ministry. The Lord uses everything including your pain. As you become a living sacrifice, God will bless you and fill every void in your life. Don’t become bitter because of what happened to you, become better. Write your feelings down in a journal and pray over every feeling and watch how God takes your pain and turn it into passion. It’s not about you; it’s about what God wants to get done through you.

Please order my book app Frozen Dreams, How to Break the Ice for more of my story and how I overcame some very tough situations.

You are chosen and not forgotten!

Deniece Senter is AKA Deniece Brown
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