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9:00 am Morning Worship

12:00 pm Noon Worship



6:00 pm Choir and Paise Team Rehersal 



7:15 pm  Bible School



Noon Conference Prayer Call

(832) 551-5100

Code: 256609



CLICK HERE to listen to all of Prophetess Deniece's anointed teachings on How to overcome depression, how to live an aboundant life, how to restore broken marriages, overcome loneliness, prayer and much, much more. There are over 300 different podcasts to listen to.   

Chosen For Another View TV Show


Chosen for Another View is a Christian talk show featuring five dynamic women from different ages, experiences and backgrounds. In a similar format to America's 'The View', the show has a panel of women discussing a unique mix of hot topics and issues hitting the media and Christian community from a Christian's point of view with segments on real life stories. Check your local listings for our viewing schedule. CLICK HERE to view all of Deniece's TV Shows.


​Dinah International Ministries Multicultral conferences and events are hosted around the world. Our anointed events have crossed the borders of the United States of America. Thank you in advance for your prayers and support.

If you're in the New York and surrounding areas listen to my radio program on Harlem Lanes Radio every Monday & Wednesday at 5:30 A.M.


If you would like individual counseling or mentoring by Prophetess Deniece Senter, please contact us and we will set a side time just for you.


Please click on tab to see if Prophetess Deniece is speaking in an area near you. Her anointing breaks yokes as she accurately speaks to the hearts of God's people. God uses her voice to speak to the forgotten and heal broken hearts. 


We would love to have you at our conferences, retreats, revivals and events. Please register to reserve your seat. If you are a partner with Deniece, you will receive special setting at all of our events, just show your Deneice Senter Ministries ID card to be placed in a comfortable upclose set. 

Deniece Senter is AKA Deniece Brown
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