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I would love to mentor you and help advance your ministry to the next level. If you would like my help, please purchase my book “Write the Vision and Make it Plain” by clicking HERE. Write the Vision will help you organize your ministry and give you the blue print of everything you need to start your business from A to Z. After reading my book, please send me a list of questions you need me to help answer, and through the leading of the Holy Spirit I will answer your questions to the best of my knowledge.


Before leaving this page, please fill out the short form below and briefly leave me a short description about what your ministry is about. After reading your ministry’s description I will pray over you and your ministry. It is my prayer that the Lord would richly bless whatever your hands find to do for the kingdom. Remember, you were born for this and I’m here to help you reach your destiny.


Deniece E. Senter - Brown

Think global but act local. 

Write the Vision by Deniece Senter is for dreamers and ministry leaders. Order your copy today!

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Deniece Senter is AKA Deniece Brown
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